
A Sustainable and Equitable Future for the Exchange District

Building off the Exchange District Plan 2022, the Exchange District Community Investment Strategy will set the course for an exciting future.

Albert Street as viewed from Bannatyne in fall with colourful leaves changing

With funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and in partnership with the City of Winnipeg and Economic Development Winnipeg, the Exchange District BIZ is developing an investment strategy to propel the area into a prosperous and environmentally sustainable future.

This process applies the concept of “Value Planning” to identify significant investment opportunities, community amenities and infrastructure that will have truly consequential, positive impacts on the Exchange District and its surrounding area. Building off of the recently adopted Exchange District Plan 2022, we have completed our community and stakeholder interviews and are in the process of drafting a set of propositional investments.

The Community Investment Strategy will lay out a variety of municipal investments and both public and private sector developments over a 20 year horizon. These include economic modelling and metrics related to environmental sustainability, social inclusion and neighbourhood livability.

Based on earlier research and asset mapping, the study area has been subdivided into seven smaller precincts, each with its own focal point: