
[shooger-koht-ed] / ZiizibaakwadAgoke / Ésíwinikátéki

English / Ojibwe / Cree EXHIBITION / WAABANDA’IWEM / NÓKOTÁWINA / ZiizibaakwadAgoke / Ésíwinikátéki Main Gallery: Catherine Forest, Jessica Canard, Scott Benesiinaabandan MFMG: Bret Parenteau Urban Shaman Gallery Opening Reception / Baakinigaadeg / Káwí páskiténikáték…

Art Talk/Art Walk: “Artists in Residence”

Dinner and an informal talk followed by a guided walk through Exchange Galleries & Studios Whether it involves the beauty and isolation of Churchill or the crowded noise of Brooklyn, a residency can change an…


Art Talk/Art Walk: “Artists in Residence”

Dinner and an informal talk followed by a guided walk through Exchange Galleries & Studios Whether it involves the beauty and isolation of Churchill or the crowded noise of Brooklyn, a residency can change an…


Art Talk/Art Walk: “Artists in Residence”

Dinner and an informal talk followed by a guided walk through Exchange Galleries & Studios Whether it involves the beauty and isolation of Churchill or the crowded noise of Brooklyn, a residency can change an…
